UM, HEY. LET'S TALK. - Stephanie Payne

Wednesday, 8 February 2017


So I've been tossing around the idea of creating my very own blog for a while now. Should I or shouldn't I? Yes or no? To blog or not to blog? That was the question. It's been a long time coming but here I am! I don't know if I'm going to be any good at this, or how often I'll update but it's worth a shot right? What's the worst thing that could happen? I'll never know if I don't at least try! So here I am, giving it a shot!
Hey, hi, hello. My name is Stephanie and I'm 20 years old. I live in British Columbia, Canada, near Vancouver. As I am writing my first blog post, I am racking my brain for things to say! I don't want to talk about myself for too much time... I'm not that interesting. If I'm being honest, and you can count on just that, I've never been one to excel at writing, or at having an interesting life that others would want to hear about, but I have this desire within in me to connect with people, in this case meaning online through this blog and other social media platforms. Even if there is only one person I can share this and connect with through similar experiences I will feel as though I am doing something worthwhile. I just want to make others happy, and feel good about themselves.

On this blog you can expect to find an extensive amount of different topics being talked about. Some of these will include long distance relationships, and my experience being in one; mental health, books and film, hair and makeup, and much much more. I plan on being as open with all of you as possible, but at the same time not too open that I am to cross any boundaries... after all I still want my private life to be private at the end of the day.

Anyways with that said, I'm going to sign off here. I know it's a short post but hey, it's my first! Have a wonderful day! I hope to see you again! xoxo Stephanie

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